Release Notes of Layer2 Business Data List Connector

​​​You will find release notes of the Layer2 Business Data List Connector for current and previous releases below. Please note the new features, changes and fixed issues before upgrade. Any update or upgrade requires a valid Software Assurance (SA). Please subscribe to our RSS feed to stay up-to-date.​​​​​​​​​​​​ Note that the Layer2 Business Data List Connector for SharePoint 2007, 2010 and 2013 are frozen. To have the full feature set available, please upgrade to SharePoint Server 2016, 2019, or 2022 Subscription Edition. If you have any questions or issues please contact [email protected] directly.

Release Notes - Layer2 Business Data List Connector
V7.0.4 (11/2015)



  • When editing the End Time (EndDate) field in an event, BDLC ran into an error ("Bad parameter passed to Web Server Extensions.  Check the information you entered and try again.")
  • Some error messages now display more user friendly content.
  • Using edit forms based on InfoPath (customized by SharePoint Designer) lead to handle local dates as UTC.
  • When using the BDLC API from within a web service, the write back throws errors and the update was errored out. The API now provides a method to register your webservice to BDLC. Best is to register the asmx address of your service.
     Code snippet:
      BusinessDataListConnectorLogic logic = new BusinessDataListConnectorLogic();
      SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb(webId);
      SPList list = web.Lists[listid];
      logic.Init(web, list);
      logic.RegisterCustomUrl("BdlcService.asmx"); // <= this is an example!
      result = logic.UpdateList();


Known Issues in 2016 IT Preview


  • While upgrading with the BDLC installer it can run into timeouts. If this happens, remove the BDLC and re-install it.

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