Release Notes of Layer2 Cloud Connector

The Layer2 Cloud Connector can be used to connect and sync various enterprise data sources codeless, on-premises and in the cloud, especially with Microsoft SharePoint, Office 365, Exchange and Dynamics CRM/ERP. Please find the release notes and version history for the Layer2 Cloud Connector here. You can subscribe to the RSS feed (works best with Firefox) to stay up-to-date in Firefox or NewsFlow. If you have questions or issues, please join the Layer2 Cloud Connector Community at LinkedIn or contact [email protected] directly.

Release Notes - Layer2 Cloud Connector
V11.0.9.0 (08/2023)

We're excited to announce a significant update to our product offerings! As of today, we have split the Layer2 Cloud Connector and Layer2 File Pal into two distinct products, each catering to specific synchronization needs. We believe this change will enhance your experience and streamline the usage of our solutions.

Here are the key highlights of this release:

  • Layer2 Cloud Connector List & Table Edition - Focused on List and Table Synchronizations
    Our new Layer2 Cloud Connector Edition has been specifically tailored to address List and Table synchronizations. With this edition, you can effortlessly sync your data between various lists and tables across different systems.
  • Layer2 File Pal - Dedicated to File and Folder Synchronizations
    Introducing Layer2 File Pal, our new product designed exclusively for seamless File and Folder synchronizations. Enjoy a simplified and efficient way to keep your files in sync across different platforms.
  • Layer2 Cloud Connector Enterprise Edition - Comprehensive Solution for All Providers
    Rest assured, our Layer2 Cloud Connector Enterprise Edition remains unchanged and continues to offer full coverage for file/folder as well as list and table providers. It provides a comprehensive solution to meet your diverse synchronization requirements.
  • Continued Support for Current Users of Layer2 Cloud Connector Professional Edition:
    We want to assure all our valued customers who are currently using the Layer2 Cloud Connector Professional Edition that your support and access to updates will be maintained. While we introduce separate editions, your existing license will remain active and supported.

Please refer to the Layer2 Cloud Connector and Layer2 File Pal pricing information on our website.

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