Release Notes of Layer2 Cloud Connector

The Layer2 Cloud Connector can be used to connect and sync various enterprise data sources codeless, on-premises and in the cloud, especially with Microsoft SharePoint, Office 365, Exchange and Dynamics CRM/ERP. Please find the release notes and version history for the Layer2 Cloud Connector here. You can subscribe to the RSS feed (works best with Firefox) to stay up-to-date in Firefox or NewsFlow. If you have questions or issues, please join the Layer2 Cloud Connector Community at LinkedIn or contact [email protected] directly.

Release Notes - Layer2 Cloud Connector
V7.8.16 (07/2017)


  • The new Odata provider is now also available on all supported operating systems.
  • The "AutoBackup" feature is now also available on all supported operating systems.
  • The "Create Support Package" feature is now also available on all supported operating systems.
  • The "Autozipping" feature is now also available on all supported operating systems.
  • It's possible to switch the run mode of the backend service to x86 mode from the MMC.
  • In case a connection is run in the scheduled service, you can view it's livelog/status in the MMC.
  • A public REST API is provided that allow to use/trigger Cloud Connector functionality from code, PowerShell, batch jobs, etc..


  • There is only a single installer package now suitable for all supported operating systems. Users who run one of the older ".net3.5" versions of Cloud Connector have now full feature support after upgrading to 7.8.
  • The deprecated Odata provider has been replaced with the new Odata provider for all supported operating systems.


  • Large numbers of connections no longer cause issues with the CPU and MMC.
  • It's no longer possible to accidentially start a connection twice so that it runs in parallel.

Fixes added with .15:

  • In some cases, when many Dynamic Columns have been used a lot, there was an error that monitoring has not been enabled.
  • Sometimes the mmc aborted with an error, that a "collection was modified during enumeration"
  • If a SharePoint list was deleted and re-created with the same name, an error would occur, stating that the list with ID 'xxx' could not be found.
  • If a request returned with 'Unauthorized' or 'Forbidden' in one of the Web-based providers, it would not be attempted to perform a re-authentication anymore.
  • During error field identification in the SharePoint provider, an error was thrown, if a list item had a field associated which no longer existed.

Fixes added with .16:

  • In some cases after a longer runtime, the MMC crashed.
  • The Exchange provider cache handling has been improved to prevent possible high memory
  • Please find here a few more details about upgrading to this version: Please find here a few more details about upgrading to this version:
  • Please find here a few more details about upgrading to this version:

 Please find here a few more details about upgrading to this version: Upgrading to 7.8

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